13-05-12Prof. Mohammad Ali, Secretary General, Liver Foundation of Bangladesh attended a conference on Informal Consultation to develop a regional strategy for the control of viral hepatitis in the South East Asia region. The conference was held at WHO SEARO, regional head quarter, New Delhi, India on 16th to 18th April 2012. Prof. Mohammad Ali represented Bangladesh in this conference as Temporary Advisor to the Regional Director, WHO, SEARO. He was nominated by WHO, Bangladesh. It may be mentioned here that Prof. Ali was one of the Signatory of the resolution on “Viral Hepatitis” which was accepted on 63rd World Health Assembly of World Health Organization (WHO). The specific objectives were to review the burden of “viral hepatitis” and to draft regional strategic frame work for the prevention & control of viral hepatitis. Also to develop a guide lines and draft action plan for implementation in the countries of South East Asia region. Prof. Mohammad Ali put special emphasis on implementation of mandatory “birth dose” Hepatitis B vaccine to neonates for prevention of vertical transmission (Mother to child). He also proposed for integration of “viral hepatitis”, its prevention and treatment in the “National Health Policy” of the governments of the South East Asia region. Both the proposals ware unanimously accepted by all the distinguish members and adopted in the action plan. The opening remark was given by Dr. Samlee Plianbangchang, Regional Director, WHO, SEARO Experts from South East Asia regional countries & WHO Head quarter, Geneva attend the conference. Mr. Charles Gore, President of World Hepatitis Alliance, Geneva and Dr Francisco Averhoff, Director Global Health division of Viral hepatitis, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB prevention, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta , USA also attended the conference. The resolution was accepted on 63rd World Health Assembly meeting of World Health Organization (WHO). One of the Signatory of the resolution on “Viral Hepatitis” as member, Public Health Panel of World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA), Geneva.
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