
Mission Statement

Mission and Activities

National Liver Foundation of Bangladesh is a not-for-profit Non-Government Organisation (NGO) established in April, 1999 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. This Organisation is the first of its kind in Bangladesh which is dedicated to Prevention, Treatment, Education and Research on liver diseases with special emphasis on viral hepatitis.

National Liver Foundation of Bangladesh Mission statement

To raise mass public awareness on prevention of liver diseases, especially viral hepatitis (B & C).

To create facilities for prevention and treatment of liver diseases with minimum cost.

To make advocacy and coordination with the Government, regarding the issues of viral hepatitis and liver diseases in Bangladesh

To establish a center of excellence for Prevention, Treatment, Education and Research on Liver diseases in Bangladesh

National Liver Foundation of Bangladesh Vision statement

To minimize the incidence of viral hepatitis (B & C) to a negligible level and ensure the treatment facilities of liver diseases for all.

 Planned phases of operation of the LFB

 First phase:

The main objective of the first phase comprises the exhaustive prevention of liver diseases, development of public awareness and counseling of liver disease patients in Bangladesh.

Liver clinic service: Examination of the liver disease patients by specialists   & their necessary management

Investigagation facilities; All the investigations will be done with minimum cost

e-liver service: Replies to queries from liver disease patients and counseling along with the transmission of relevant leaflets about liver diseases via e-mail.

Website liver service: Communication and exchange of information about liver diseases between Bangladesh and the outside world through website.

Postal service: Counseling liver patients and rendering proper guidance through letters.

Screening and vaccination service: Screening of mass population for the prevalence of liver diseases and vaccination program.

Mass media service: Wide range of discussion on awareness, prevention and various aspects of liver diseases through the use of various public domain information exchange media.

Information service: Issuance of free leaflets about liver diseases among  the mass Population.

Awareness Programmes: Seminers and discussions among doctors, nurses and paramedics about the guideline of prevention, investigation and treatment of liver diseases in Bangladesh .

Decentralization of awareness  programmes   in divisional head quarters, district, thana levels and in remote areas of the country.

Second phase:

Extensive implementation of the work program of the first phase.

Extending diagnostic facilities of the liver diseases

Third phase:

Extensive implementation of the work program of the first and second phases.

Setting up a centre (Hospital) for the treatment of liver diseases based on medical, surgical and interventional approach i.e. a centre for prevention, diagnostic and therapeutic services.

Fourth phase:

Establishing a modernized well-equipped centre with all facilities for the prevention, treatment , education and research on liver diseases in Bangladesh
